About The Trust

Tanzania remains one of the poorest countries on the planet and the AIDS epidemic is rampant. As the country emerges from socialism 85-90% of the 35million population still subsist from agriculture which contributes 46.4% of GDP.
lmost 1 in 5 people live below the level needed to meet minimum calorie requirements, only 2% of rural households are connected to the electricity grid, and much of the rural population are forced to carry their water for 10km..

The average wage is US$50 per month, but many live on less than US$1 per day.

As the country emerges from socialism 85-90% of the 35million population still subsist from agriculture which contributes 46.4% of GDP.
In a world of improving life expectancy, in Tanzania the life expectancy has dropped from 50 to 43 years over hte last quarter of a century. The equivalent of Europe in the 1800's
Tanzania is unique in its stability and moving in the right direction with regards to its market economy. But the Tanzaniana people need help due their extreme poverty and limited access to the basics of life - food, water and health care - not to mention access to education and electricity. Fortunatley through their highly effective system of village assemblies and a willingness by these proud but poor people to help themselves, it is possible to make every dollar donated go a long way.

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